Sunday, July 29, 2007

CABELA'S, - Sidney, NB

We stayed our first night in Nebraska at Cabela's. This stop was recommended by a volunteer at the Information stop, as it was about 200 miles into Nebraska. Cabela stores is like a Bass Pro Shop. Most of the store locations offer a full-feature RV park where you can camp in a outdoor setting and enjoy a relaxing walk around the beautifully landscaped grounds. We didn't know when we checked in, the last weekend of July of each year, they have the largest sidewalk celebration and the next day is the rodeo. We got the last RV spot, the next RV stop was approximately another 200 miles down the road. People had tents pitched along with their trailers, and RV's. The man was feeding the geese angel food cake. It rained that night but they were glad for the rain. People from hundreds of miles, including people from WY came for the sidewalk sale. We spent at least two hours in the store, so much to see.

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